
New White Paper on DEMETER Multi Actor Approach

Technology is increasingly becoming an everyday necessity in agriculture. Novel technology can be found all over today’s farms, measuring animal behaviour, air and soil humidity or counting the number of fruit flies that occupy a land parcel. At the same time, the Agri-Tech environment is saturated with digital products from a diverse landscape of technology...

Farmer Perspectives on Data 2021 – Report

Trust in Food, Farm Journal and The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) have produced a report ‘Farmer Perspectives on Data 2021’ which details actionable insights to empower businesses and farmers to scale farm-level production data activities. The lack of a robust, integrated data ecosystem that starts on the farm presents a major challenge for efforts to increase...

DEMETER Podcast edition – FarmForum

In this edition of FarmForum, a podcast from APPR (Romanian Maize Growers’ Association), the digital transformation in agriculture is discussed. Cristina Cionga, European Affairs Director at APPR and Gabriel Lospa, Farm Program Manager with SIMAVI talk about the DEMETER project, its overall objectives in terms of interoperability and standardisation and focus in detail on the...

White Paper: Understanding the farmer’s technology needs and requirements

DEMETER uses a multi actor approach (MAA) focusing on real problems or opportunities that farmers, and other end-users who need a solution are facing. Listening to farmers’ needs, interests and concerns is an essential process to ensure that DEMETER’s final solutions address real challenges. To understand these needs and concerns, a survey was conducted in...
Events News

DEMETER presents at DataWeek 2021

The BDVA Data Week session on ‘A smart and sustainable digital future for European agriculture’ took place on May 25th, 2021.  This session built upon previous successful sessions on the data-driven transformation of agriculture held at EBDVF and focused specifically on the creation of a European data space for smart agri-food applications, as committed by...

DEMETER discussed at Digital Summit organized by IoT Solutions World Congress

UDG (University Donja Gorica) participated in the panel titled “Smart Tags, Circular Economy and Personalization” that took place on May 12th at the Digital Summit organized by IoT Solutions World Congress.  In this session, the use of smart tags for a circular economy and personalization was discussed.  The recent EU-wide Digital Green Certificate was outlined...


DEMETER es un proyecto del programa de I+D Horizonte 2020 que tiene como objetivo liderar la transformación digital del sector agroalimentario europeo a través de la rápida adopción de tecnologías avanzadas de Internet de las cosas (IoT), ciencia de datos y agricultura inteligente, asegurando su viabilidad y sostenibilidad a largo plazo. El proyecto busca crear...

Pilot Video: Consumer Awareness- Milk Quality and Animal Welfare Tracking

DEMETER is a large-scale deployment of farmer-driven, interoperable, smart farming-IoT (Internet of Things) based platforms, delivered through a series of 20 pilots across 18 countries (15 EU countries). Involving 60 partners, DEMETER adopts a multi-actor approach across the value chain (demand and supply), with 25 deployment sites, 6,000 farmers and over 38,000 devices and sensors...

Interview Series: Senka Gajinov, DunavNET

In this final edition of our interview series, we talk to Senka Gajinov from DunavNET group is who is involved in Pilot 5.4 ‘Transparent Supply Chain in the Poultry Industry. Can you tell us a bit about yourself, your organisation and your involvement in the DEMETER project? DNET Labs is a research and innovation branch...

Decision Enablers & Advisory Support – New White Paper added

DEMETER aims to lead the Digital Transformation of the European Agrifood sector based on the rapid adoption of advanced technologies, such as Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Decision Support, Benchmarking, Earth Observation, etc., to increase performance in multiple aspects of farming operations, as well as to assure the viability and sustainability of the...