Events News

SmartAgriHubs Final Event

Save the Date! The SmartAgriHubs project has confirmed its final event will take place in Lisbon from 26th to 28th September 2022. SmartAgriHubs is a €20M EU project under the Horizon 2020 instrument, and brings together a consortium of well over 164 partners in the European agri-food sector. The project aims to realise the digitisation...
Events News

DEMETER to participate in World Farmers’ Organisation General Assembly

The 2022 World Farmers’ Organisation General Assembly will take place in Budapest, Hungary, from June 7 to 10, 2022. DEMETER will be participating with an exhibition booth at the event and will also take part in the thematic session (plenary) ‘Innovative Solutions and Business Models to Enable a Farmer-Driven Digital Transformation of Agriculture’ moderated by...
Events News

Developing solutions within DEMETER – new webinar

Our Open Call #1, DEVELOP, aimed to attract and engage startups and SMEs with technology products that can be implemented within the agro-business sector. Five specific challenges were addressed and funded by the Open Call. On June 1st from 11-12.30 (CEST) we hear from the 9 agritech SMEs that were selected as the winners to...

New publication: Building an interoperable space for smart agriculture

Researchers in DEMETER from the Institute of Communications and Computer Systems, Athens, Greece; Walton Institute, Ireland; University of Murcia, Spain; Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland and Odin Solutions, Spain have recently published a paper ‘Building an interoperable space for smart agriculture’. The paper is available in Digital Communications and Networks One of the main...

Understanding farmers’ adoption of smart technology

DEMETER follows a multi-actor approach (MAA) ensuring that newly developed technical solutions meet real life needs. Farmers are a key stakeholder group within the DEMETER ecosystem. Understanding their needs, interests and concerns regarding digital technologies is central to a positive outcome for the project. With this in mind, we created an online survey to share...

Article developed under DEMETER selected as Editor’s Choice Article

The article “Evaluating the Single-Shot MultiBox Detector and YOLO Deep Learning Models for the Detection of Tomatoes in a Greenhouse”, developed under H2020 DEMETER has been selected as an “Editor’s Choice Article” in Sensors MDPI . The article was authored by Sandro Augusto Magalhães (INESC TEC and University of Porto), Luís Castro (INESC TEC and University...

Women in Agriculture – Georgian Farmers’ Association

In this blog post, Irina Tkhelidze, Project Manager at the Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA) and DEMETER partner shares with us the many initiatives they are involved with to support women in agriculture. The economic empowerment of women is of paramount importance and an absolute prerequisite to achieve gender equality and sustainable development. Unfortunately, at the...
Events News

The Farmer’s Voice – DEMETER survey and webinar

On 31st March, DEMETER held ‘ The Farmer’s Voice‘ webinar to share the results of our survey to better understand the drivers and barriers to farmers’ adoption of smart technologies. The webinar was organised in association with the World Farmer’s Organisation (WFO) and THRIVE | SVG Ventures. Panels of experts including farmers, technology providers and...

New publication: The importance of data quality assessment for machinery data in the field of agriculture

Researchers from DEMETER, Morteza Abdipourchenarestansofla of John Deere and Christof Schroth of  Fraunhofer IESE have a new publication titled ‘The importance of data quality assessment for machinery data in the field of agriculture”. The pilot study in DEMETER ‘In-Service Monitoring of Agricultural Machinery” is used to investigate data quality issues for machinery data. This use...
Events News

DEMETER to participate in IoT Week 2022

This year, Dublin will host the 11th edition of the international IoT Week conference. IoT Week 2021 will be held in Croke Conference Centre from June 20th to 23rd 2022, providing ample opportunities for learning about IoT challenges and opportunities as well as networking with businesses, industries and academia from around the world. In a...