Events News

DEMETER participates in Montenegrin events

The DEMETER project was featured at the exhibition organized within the “Days of Science and Innovation” festival in Montenegro. This event is traditionally the central annual event of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development and it aims to bring science and innovation closer to the widest population. University of Donja Gorica (UDG) supported the...
Events News

Gender inclusive workshop at SmartAgriHubs final event

DEMETER has organised a workshop at the SmartAgriHubs final event focused on ‘Addressing gender inequality in the agri sector: an inclusive value chain’.  The challenges that the agriculture sector faces are well documented. These include environmental and economic sustainability concerns. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to attract more women and young people to the...
Events News

Semantic interoperability workshop at SmartAgriHubs Final event

DEMETER has organised a workshop at the SmartAgriHubs final event focused on Semantic interoperability and data sharing in agriculture. The workshop is organised in association with the SmartAgriHubs Regional Cluster UK and Ireland and Regional Cluster, North East Europe. SmartAgriHubs is a €20m, EU project under the Horizon 2020 instrument, and brings together a consortium...
Events News

DEMETER presented at farm event in Slovenia

On Friday 9th September, DEMETER partners participated in an annual farming event “Kmečki svetek” in Slovenia. ICT Cluster and DIH Agrifood presented DEMETER project pilots and associated results to interested participants at a booth during the event. The audience consisted of farmers, agricultural experts, industry representatives and students with over 100 participants in attendance. One...
Events News

Open DEI digital maturity webinar

Open DEI are running a webinar on 15th September from 12.00-13.00 (CEST) to discuss digital maturity assessment and digital readiness for enabling digital transformation in industry. Speakers from Tecnalia and Politecnico di Milano will present their digital maturity tools. Nowadays, different industries in Europe are undertaking their journey of digital transformation. The past two years...
Events News

SmartAgriHubs – Final Event

The SmartAgriHubs project is coming to an end on 1st November 2022. After 4 years, the project will be celebrating its community and its legacy in a 3-day conference from 26 to 28 September in  Lisbon, Portugal. The event will gather partners, experts, and members of the European institutions to discuss the results of the...

DEMETER partners present at IEEE COINS

The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS) took place in Barcelona from 1-3 August. IEEE COINS brings together experts in Digital Transformation (from AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and Robotics) from around the globe. IEEE COINS includes a multi-disciplinary program from technical research papers, to panels, workshops, and tutorials on...

Postdoctoral researcher, Stacey Hendriks, tells us about her research in DEMETER

In our latest blog we chat to Stacey Hendriks, a postdoctoral researcher with Teagasc and involved in the DEMETER pilot ‘Proactive Milk Quality Control’. Stacey tells us about her background and the work she is undertaking in DEMETER. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your research background? I am a postdoctoral researcher...

New Publication from Open Call #1 winner

SeedsBit was one of the winners of the 1st DEMETER Open Call, DEVELOP. SeedsBit addressed the blockchain-based solutions for agricultural applications challenge. In doing so, the company developed PerSePHOnE (Permissioned SeedsBit Traceability Platform Integration from Field to HoReCa with Ontology Extension).  PerSePHOnE is a system that guarantees the quality and validity of data and integrates...

Work ongoing in DEMETER Orchard pilot

Researchers from University of Donja Gorica and DunavNET installed the latest IoT equipment for monitoring soil moisture, air conditions, and pheromone traps with cameras. The equipment is integrated with the AgroNET platform that has been used in Nase voce for some time. This new setup covers the parcels recently added to the orchards. This pilot focuses on complete...