
An update on SOCS

The DEMETER Stakeholders Open Collaboration Space (SOCS) is an online platform dedicated to all stakeholders (farmers, advisors, and suppliers) where they can collaborate, share best practices and participate in co-creation processes. The added value provided by the SOCS is mainly related to the capability to interconnect all the DEMETER stakeholders into a unified digital community with an...

An update on the Agriculture Information Model

The DEMETER Agriculture Information Model (AIM) is a data model and ontology that describes all data needed by DEMETER applications and the usage of which ensures semantic interoperability between data and various components. AIM provides the common data model (language) that allows different, existing (or new) systems and devices to talk to each other and...

Standardisation for results’ continuity and impact leverage

Achieving excellent project outcomes like DEMETER naturally brings questions about the solutions’ sustainability and integration into the broader ecosystem. One of the scaling factors that leverage vast adoption potential is solution accessibility for the general community. Standardisation is one of the tools that multiplicate potential, ensuring stability, lowering the cost of implementation, and avoiding vendor...
Events News

DEMETER at Fruska Gora Wine Show

DEMETER project activities were presented at the Fruska Gora Wine Show which took place in the building of the Provincial Government “Vila Stanković” in Čortanovci, Serbia, on September 24, 2022. The Wine Show brings together approximately 500 attendees (farmers, agricultural experts and industry representatives) associated with the wine industry to present the best wines of...

Helping potato farmers make better informed decisions

The goal of the pilot “open platform for improved crop monitoring on potato farms” is to assist farmers in making sense of the data they collect, specifically data from harvesting machine. AVR Connect, the IoT cloud platform that collects data from AVR machinery (potato planters, trailed harvesters, and self-propelled harvesters), has been linked with WatchITgrow,...

Making the daily activities of agricultural stakeholders easier

Overview Our pilot ‘Farm of Things in Extensive Cattle Holdings‘  focuses on improving animals’ well-being and health by managing their optimal feeding, and how this can affect the quality of processed products such as dairy products and pastries, as well as cereals and eggs as raw materials. This pilot also considers end-user involvement in quality...

Beekeepers testing the pollination optimization solutions

As part of phase 2 of the pilot ‘Pollination Optimisation in Apiculture’, Polish beekeepers have been testing the upgraded apiary monitoring system and the DEMETER pollination optimization service since May. During this time, the beekeepers and the heads of the technical teams from PSNC and ControlBee meet regularly to talk about the solution’s usability. We...

SmartAgriHubs: connecting the dots across Europe

On 26 to 28 September, Horizon 2020 EU project SmartAgriHubs celebrated its final event in Lisbon. After four years, the SmartAgriHubs community reunited to discuss the achievements, lessons learned and the sustainability of the project. The Synergy Days, 27th and 28th September, were opened to 20 other EU projects, connecting SmartAgriHubs to the wider European...

Empowering Women as a crucial ingredient for the success of the 2030 agenda

With only seven years to 2030, empowering women and ensuring gender equality is a vital step for ensuring an inclusive, holistic and efficient approach to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), women in agriculture represent around 45% of the labour force in developing countries, with the percentage...

DEMETER attends the World Ploughing Championships in Ireland

Walton Institute represented DEMETER at the Irish National and World Ploughing Championships on 20-22nd September, 2022. Europe’s largest agricultural and outdoor event welcomed over 250,000 people across the three days in the countryside of Ratheniska, Co. Laois, approximately 90minutes from Dublin City. Dave Hearne and Grainne Dilleen, both DEMETER researchers from Walton Institute joined colleagues...