Events News

A review of The Changing Face of Agriculture event

Introduction On February 17th, DEMETER and SmartAgriHubs joined forces to host an event titled ‘The Changing Face of Agriculture –  discussing youth, gender and digitalisation in agriculture.  Significant conclusions related to the age, gender, pay and education gap in agriculture can be extracted from the data gathered on the “Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics —...
Events News

The generational and gender gap in agriculture

The European agricultural sector is undeniably facing several challenges including an ageing population and gender inequality. However, tackling these challenges head-on can provide a professional development opportunity for new generations, in which women will experience an acceleration towards equality.  To clearly address the current status and the growing opportunities within farming, DEMETER and SmartAgriHubs, leading...
Events News

DEMETER participates at COP26 on Science and Innovation Day

Introduction On the 9th of November, DEMETER was excited to participate in COP26 with a one-day exhibition stand in the Green Zone. COP26 is the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference with the aim of bringing parties together to accelerate towards climate change action. The Green Zone at COP26 is where the public, civil society,...

Digital Around the World Forum – A Global 24-hour Conference

For its 10th anniversary, the IoT Forum is launching a new 24 hours non-stop virtual conference that will roll over the World to run a quite unique event on emerging technologies and digital transformation. The event will bring together experts from all continents to present and discuss the latest technological innovations and trends in digital transformation:...

Interview Series: The Farmer Impact.

DEMETER’s aims to put digital means at the service of farmers. With this in mind, we catch up with one of the farmers invovled in our pilot project focused on IoT Corn Management and Decision Support Platforms. This pilot aims to improve improve greenhouse gas emissions and poor water quality that drive business risks in...