
Interview Series: The Farmer Impact.

DEMETER’s aims to put digital means at the service of farmers. With this in mind, we catch up with one of the farmers invovled in our pilot project focused on IoT Corn Management and Decision Support Platforms. This pilot aims to improve improve greenhouse gas emissions and poor water quality that drive business risks in...

Interview Series: Dimitris Katsantonis, ELGO

We chat to Dimitris Katsantonis from ELGO (Hellenic Agricultural Organization – “DIMITRA”) to learn more about the pilot project he is leading in Cluster 1 which focuses on water and energy management. Can you tell us a bit about your organisation and your involvement in the DEMETER project? ELGO (Hellenic Agricultural Organization – “DIMITRA”) is...

DEMETER presented at Global IoT Summit

DEMETER was presented recently at the virtual Global IoT Summit (GIOTS) which took place on June 3rd. As part of the presentation on ‘Agri-food Research Centres as Drivers of Digital Transformation for Smart Agriculture’  by Juan Antonio Martinez of Odin Solutions (OdinS), Juan A. Lopez Morales and Antonio F. Skarmeta of University of Murcia (UMU),...

Field equipment deployed for Montenegrin pilot

Finally, as the COVID19 situation is getting better in Montenegro, UDG and Plantaze started deployment of the field equipment for the Montenegrin pilot of H2020 DEMETER. The pilot partners are in the process of installing and configuring the weather station, pheromone insect traps equipped with HD cameras, and sensor nodes for soil moisture monitoring and smart...

Interview Series: Azucena Sierra from Tragsa

In the next edition of our interview series, we catch up with Azucena Sierra from TRAGSA Group. Azucena is the leader of the Pilot Cluster 1. Can you tell us a bit about your organisation and your involvement in the DEMETER project? TRAGSA Group is a company which provides the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture with...