
New publication in Journal of Networking and Network Applications

Researchers in DEMETER from DunavNET, University of Donja Gorica and University of Belgrade have published a paper in the Journal of Networking and Network Applications (2022). The paper is titled, “Qualitative parameter analysis for Botrytis cinerea forecast modelling using IoT sensor networks’. Botrytis cinerea is a fungus that affects many plant species but attacks wine...

DEMETER features in AIOTI publications

The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) has recently published a report titled ‘Role of IoT in addressing the agroecological focus of the Green Deal’.  DEMETER featured in the report demonstrating use-cases of how IoT is an enabler of sustainable farming and agroecological practices in the Common Agricultural Policy. As outlined in the report,...

The Farmer Perspective – Aleksandar Zeremski

As part of the DEMETER multi-actor approach, its important to speak with the farmers participating in the DEMETER pilots to understand their experiences with the technologies and the project. This time, we speak with Aleksandar Zeremski, a farmer in Serbia, who is participating in the ‘Disease Prediction and Supply Chain transparency for Vineyards‘ pilot. Aleksandar...

Field equipment deployed for Montenegrin pilot

Finally, as the COVID19 situation is getting better in Montenegro, UDG and Plantaze started deployment of the field equipment for the Montenegrin pilot of H2020 DEMETER. The pilot partners are in the process of installing and configuring the weather station, pheromone insect traps equipped with HD cameras, and sensor nodes for soil moisture monitoring and smart...