DEMETER presents at AgriTech 4.0 conference

DEMETER participated in the AgriTech 4.0 virtual conference which took place on January 29th and February 19th. The conference explored the wide range of opportunities available through programmes, development, support, and investment opportunities, and examined how new and changing technologies will influence the agriculture environment over the next 25 years, providing sustainable food solutions.

DEMETER virtual booth at AgriTech 4.0 conference

DEMETER presented on the second day of the conference (Feb 19th) where the main theme was centred on meeting the farms’ needs for precision and smart technology. DEMETER project coordinator, Kevin Doolin, introduced DEMETER and outlined how the project is driving agricultural technology interoperability. In addition, DEMETER ran a virtual exhibitor booth throughout the conference displaying relevant content material such as the pilot videos, the pilot booklet, video interviews as well as engaging with conference attendees.

Kevin’s presentation from the conference is available here