The first H2020 DEMETER paper was presented by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa at the Global IoT Summit (#GIoTS2019) in Aarhus, Denmark. DEMETER is a large-scale European project which has received €17million in funding from the European Commission under Horizon 2020. The DEMETER project will demonstrate how field and plant sensors, weather stations, and monitoring and control devices can support sustainable farming and food-production systems.
The Global IoT Summit (GIoTS) is an international conference established to attract and present the latest research results in IoT. It is endorsed by IEEE and intends to select the best papers through a systematic peer review process.
The paper titled “A Multi-Actor Approach to promote the employment of IoT in Agriculture” discussed the H2020 DEMETER Multi-Actor Approach architecture. It elaborates on an innovative Multi-Actor Approach architecture that assists farmers to take better decisions and enables them to harness the full value of their own data and knowledge aiming to promote the adoption of the Internet of Things in the agrifood sector.
To motivate farmers, service advisors and suppliers to participate in this co-creation mechanism, a complete governance mechanism for this relationship, called Demeter Enabler Hub that structures financial retributions, channels data ownership to farmers and creates an inclusive value chain.
The key benefit of the proposed architecture is its fully human-centric and human-driven strategy – supporting a co-creation mechanism between farmers and suppliers, delivering digital enablers that are fully aligned to the needs expressed by the farmers based on the knowledge and wisdom captured through structured mechanisms. This is supported by a fully-fledge governance model that includes all mechanisms from interoperability to data ownership, from trusted data sharing to management of data ownership.
As importantly, the Demeter Enabler Hub incorporates the awareness and retribution mechanisms that allow farmers to mix and match solutions while ensuring that providers and service advisors are strategically and economically motivated to participate.
The Digital Enabler solution outlined, which will be integrated into one of the DEMETER pilot clusters was also demonstrated in a dedicated booth at the Global IoT Summit.