The aim of the pilot is to help the huge potential of flax to be fully used, by helping the farmers in determining the best time window to harvest a specific field of hemp. The pilot project will develop specifically a very easy to use application which will be used by flax farmers to determine the optimal time to harvest on their fields. The tool should combine several external sources to determine this timings. We will focus on the use of this tool on flax fields, because some specific knowledge of the flax farmers will be integrated in the application.
Determine optimal harvest time window for hemp fields
The aim of the pilot is to help the huge potential of flax to be fully used, by helping the farmers in determining the best time window to harvest a specific field of hemp.
To read more about the pilot project click here:

About the Team

Koen Uyttenhove
Marion Dewynter
SAS Dewynter
Ludovick Heurtevent